June/July 2020

Saturday, May 30, 2020 8:06 PM

GrandStaff Piano Studio

Quakertown, Pa.grandstaffpiano.com

June-July 2020 News  

July 4th week  Studio will be closed.  July 4-July 10 -No Lessons- Thank You!

Happy Summertime!

We hope your families continue to be safe, healthy and comfortable at home during this challenging and difficult time.  In observance of the Governors order to continue to shelter at home, we will continue to teach piano and violin lessons via SKYPE, ZOOM and FACETIME platforms for phones and tablets.

TUITION Payments:  Please continue to MAIL your tuition payment for June-July-August to:  

GSPS,  145 Quakers Way,  Quakertown, PA 18951-2700  (We also have a payment basket outside the Studio door for your convenience)   Thanks so much!

Group Theory  Just a reminder that if PA schools are allowed to reopen, Group Theory Classes may resume in September.  We do not have Group Theory in the summer. Make plans now to be consistent in your attendance.  Group is very important to your child’s success at piano!100 Day Practice Challenge may also resume in September-get ready!

Piano Performance Party and Competitions:  May be rescheduled for the Fall -more information and details will be available in a few weeks-stay tuned!

New Students  A warm welcome is extended to all the new students from Keyboard Adventures and KinderKeys  who are beginning “one-on-one” lessons!  We’re glad all of you are here.  Thank you for your confidence in us.  Early registration for Keyboard Adventures and KinderKeys is a must!  Our classes may fill up rapidly.

Summer Lessons  Piano lessons continue as scheduled throughout the summer. Summer is a great time to advance in Piano since homework and sports won’t be making demands on the student’s time.  Morning practice is good, leaving the rest of the day for the pool, etc.  Important things get done if they are scheduled! Vacations:  Please let us know when you will be away. The Studio is open all summer (except July 4-10). Our tuition fee schedule does not change, even if you are away for more than one week since we do not charge for extra lessons taught during the year on 5-lesson months.Thank you for understanding and paying your tuition in a timely manner.

Practice-practice! When you are at home, maintain a regular practice schedule.  When you are away, take along a portable keyboard, flashcards and extra note-speller books.  You can have fun and make a game out of using these things.  Show interest, be positive and enthusiastic.  Offer to take your young person to the Music store and let them shop for Classical or Sacred music pieces—CD, tape, or sheet music.  It’s inexpensive and your young person will be thrilled.  

Also, take them to an outdoor band or orchestra concert over the summer or to one of our recitals. Music is such a wholesome and comforting interest for anyone.  Take advantage of the ‘lazy days” of summer to experience some of these outings with your children!

Have a Great Summer and Thank You for your help and support in all of these matters.

We have such a fun time learning.  Our goal and mission is to enrich and beautify our student’s lives with the joy of music. Remember, Piano is forever!

Stay strong-stay safe-stay healthy!


We LOVE teaching music to your children!

The Grandstaff Faculty